7 Education Quotes That Seriously Motivate Us

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Beginning a new course of study is both scary and exciting, and you might wonder whether you can pull it off. We’ve got a few quotes about education to remind you that even highly successful people sometimes struggle.

1. “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” – Helen Keller

Helen Keller, who lost both her sight and hearing as a child, faced many learning challenges on her way to becoming a world-famous author and disability rights advocate. As Keller points out, you may not fully appreciate a piece of learning until you need it. Then you’ll be happy you paid attention!

2. “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

If you’re a tennis fan, you’ve probably watched games played in Arthur Ashe Stadium. Ashe collected many honors on the court and worked tirelessly for human rights. His advice for success is to get rid of excuses. Your situation may not be perfect, but don’t let that stop you from getting started.

3. “Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not . . .” – Thomas Henry Huxley

Education isn’t all about gaining knowledge. It’s also about building habits, as noted by Huxley. This famous scientist from the 1800s was mostly self-educated, as he had to leave school at age 10. Huxley knew something about doing difficult things.

4. “They know enough who know how to learn.” – Henry Adams

Henry Adams was a famous scholar descended from two presidents. Over 100 years ago, he remarked on the importance of knowing how to learn. Today, human knowledge is doubling every year, according to some scholars. In such a fast-moving world, it’s impossible to know everything you need to know. Instead, you need to master the art of learning.

5. “Change is the end result of all true learning.” – Leo Buscaglia

Motivational author and speaker Leo Buscaglia helped many people through life transitions. His quotation reminds us that all education brings changes. To make the most of your opportunities, you may have to leave your comfort zone behind. Change can be a little uncomfortable, but the rewards are great.

6. “Learning is not compulsory. Neither is survival.” – W. Edwards Deming

W. Edwards Deming was a scientist and management consultant known for the Deming System of Profound Knowledge. In just a few words, he expressed the importance of learning. Want to survive? Get ready to learn!

7. “The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” – B.B. King

Blues guitarist B.B. King inspired many people with his music. He also had wise words for students. You can lose your material possessions, but not what you have learned. Invest in your own education, and no one can steal it away.

Your Path to Success

Words are powerful, especially when the speaker or writer uses them well. Tap into the power of words with these education quotes. When studying gets tough, take a break. Walk a few steps, have a refreshing drink, and read a few inspiring educational quotes. You’ll soon be back on the path to learning.

What else can keep you going? How about an online program that supports your success? MedCerts is here for you. You’ll get personal attention from student success advisors and online resources, such as practice exams, in an immersive learning environment. We make it easier for you to stay motivated.

Written by

Julie Campos

Julie Campos is the Vice President of Student Success and Career Services at MedCerts. She brings over 14 years of experience in Online Higher Education in both Student Support and Enrollment and started her career at the University of Phoenix, serving most of her tenure as a student-facing leader.

Julie has her Bachelors of Liberal Arts in Political Science from the University of Texas at El Paso, and her Masters in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. Her areas of expertise are student support in online higher education environments and working with nontraditional students. At MedCerts, she is focused on creating a pro-active student central support model for MedCerts students to reach their goals and has developed the MedCerts Student Support and Outreach Model, created MedCerts Student Success Advisor reports and Dashboards, as well as the Student Success Advisor Playbook. Her proactive approach to student support has been crucial in meeting MedCerts’ student’s needs, as well as completion and certification goals.

Julie has three children – a 10-year-old son and 12- and 4-year-old daughters, who keep her and her husband busy with sports. She is also an avid crafter with an entire room of her home dedicated to the hobby. In her free time, she enjoys teaching wreath making and even has a few “how-to” YouTube videos on the subject!

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