How to Access Military Spouse Training at No-Cost: Step-by-Step

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As a military spouse, being on the move may be a constant in your life. You may even have to leave your career behind — especially if you and your spouse are posted in a country without many career opportunities. Also, if you have a family to support and if your spouse’s income doesn’t fully fulfill all your basic expenses, you may want to find another lucrative source of income. You should, therefore, consider taking training in high-demand career fields.

Of the many ways for a military spouse to learn new skills or upgrade their education without spending a lot of money, MyCAA’s military spouse no-cost training is quite a desirable option. 

Understanding MyCAA

MyCAA — short for My Career Advancement Account — is an opportunity for U.S. military spouses to pursue education without the full cost. Since its establishment, MyCAA has helped tens of thousands of military spouses develop new skills and update their education in different fields such as healthcare and IT.

In essence, MyCAA is a scholarship program that the military offers to military spouses who intend to work in high-demand career fields. It aims to make it easy for military spouses to develop new skills and earn a living in any place they’re posted. This training not only applies to military spouses but also to other military members who want to develop new careers.

A Step by Step Guide to Getting Free Training using MyCAA

You can take a MyCAA-accredited MedCerts military spouse no-cost training course as follows:

  • Step 1 — Visit the MyCAA website and click the “SEE IF YOU’RE ELIGIBLE” button. The website will redirect you to a fact sheet that contains all the details about what you need to enroll in the training.

  • Step 2 — Research eligible schools and careers. When the MyCAA website redirects you to the above fact sheet, you will need to choose the most relevant programs for your career field and meet the eligibility criteria. Once you’re certain about the field you want to enroll in, you can start looking for the relevant accredited schools that offer such training.

  • Step 3 — Register and get a beeper. Once you have found a suitable school and decided on participating in the free training, you can register for MyCAA. You will be asked to fill out certain forms, including your contact information, eligibility requirements, and other details required by MyCAA. You’ll also need to book an appointment with an accredited school that offers free training in your field of interest, such as MedCerts.

  • Step 4 — Apply to speak to a MedCerts MyCAA consultant if you’re looking for programs that are a great fit for military spouses. This consultant will be a professional who’ll help you find the MedCerts programs that best fit your career profile.

  • Step 5 — Choose from the MedCerts Training Programs available. After meeting with a MyCAA consultant, you can select from different training programs offered by MedCerts depending on your goal, location, and career field.

Military spouse no-cost training provided by MyCAA is a great way to develop new skills and get accredited in different areas, thus making your career more flexible and helping you get a good civilian job.


Military Life

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