How To Develop a Strong Healthcare Staffing Ecosystem
Staffing shortfalls in healthcare undermine productivity and can negatively impact the patient experience. Luckily, there are several effective ways to overcome staffing obstacles and ultimately develop a workplace that operates like a well-oiled machine. Here are some helpful tips for fostering the streamlined healthcare staffing ecosystem your organization needs to thrive.
Audit Your Current Staffing Situation
Take some time to examine the primary staffing issues facing your organization, including critical gaps, weaknesses, or bottlenecks that inhibit efficiency. Identify the skill sets that are most essential in helping to alleviate overworked departments and which unfilled positions take immediate priority. By gaining a deeper understanding of your organization’s staffing concerns, it’s much easier to develop concrete solutions to the problem.
Determine Your Goals and Objectives
With your audit completed, it’s important to outline a few near-term and long-term staffing objectives. These goals may include upskilling current employees to fill transitional roles on demand or acquiring a certain number of new medical assistants and nurses by a predetermined date. You may also want to set an objective to cross-train more workers in high-demand areas so your staff will have the flexibility to take on a broader spectrum of critical responsibilities.
Create an Action Plan
To monitor the progress of your staffing objectives, develop a comprehensive action plan that reviews metrics and KPIs on a monthly or quarterly basis. Compare and contrast how these data points change over time to track the efficacy of staffing solutions or identify areas that could use further improvement. Once you begin to meet various high-priority staffing benchmarks, you can adjust your action plan to other less pressing staffing concerns.
Consider a Partnership for Healthcare Staffing
One of the most effective ways to optimize your healthcare ecosystem is to partner with a professional staffing and training provider like MedCerts. With the help of a reputable training partner, you can begin building a healthcare staffing ecosystem and talent pipeline that can meet the demands of tomorrow. Best of all, you can save a considerable amount of time on vetting, training and recruiting the credentialed workforce your healthcare organization needs to operate effectively.
How MedCerts Can Help With Your Healthcare Staffing Shortage
By partnering with MedCerts, your organization will gain access to a ready-made pool of graduates who are eager to build their professional careers in the healthcare field. We connect students with valuable on-the-job training, apprenticeships, or direct hire opportunities that can help healthcare institutions fill open positions amid today’s healthcare labor shortage.
When you become a MedCerts partner, you’ll also have the support and collaboration of a dedicated employer pursuit team that can help your clinic or hospital find qualified candidates to address the specific staffing shortfalls you’re experiencing. Visit us online to get started.