How to Tell Which MyCAA-Approved Programs Are “Best in Class”

Talk to a MyCAA Education Consultant Today

MyCAA, or My Career Advancement Account, is a benefit program that provides eligible military spouses with up to $4,000, in $2,000 increments per fiscal year, in financial assistance for training, certification, and job placement costs to launch a new career or advance professionally.

Not all schools or career paths are approved for funding by MyCAA. Start by creating an online account and searching MyCAA for approved schools. From there, you can begin to narrow down the list of available programs.

But what exactly should you look for in a program and school to determine whether they’re truly “best in class”? 

To be competitive in any marketplace as a recently certified professional, you’ll need to be able to demonstrate your skills and knowledge to your next employer. Look for MyCAA schools that are considered throughout the industry as comprehensive and effective when it comes to preparing their students to excel in their careers.

Certification for In-Demand Jobs

When it comes to selecting a program through MyCAA, you don’t want to waste time. You need a program that will lead to passing a certification exam that will better position you for the jobs that you seek.

Not sure what career path you want? Consider industries like healthcare and information technology, which the U.S. Department of Labor anticipates will grow substantially in the coming decade.

Certification for Portable Jobs

Not surprisingly, the most in-demand careers are also available all over the nation and the globe. Jobs that aren’t geographically dependent are ideal for military spouses, who may discover a new permanent change of station at any time.

You’ll also want to look for courses that are available online so you can learn remotely.

Student Support

The best schools are the ones that truly support their students as they work toward their career goals. MedCerts connects students with one-on-one education consultants who help them craft a customized training program as well as help find on-the-job internships and job placement once they pass the certification exam.


A goal of adding to the household income shouldn’t leave you in debt, and the best programs are not necessarily the most expensive. Affordable, effective programs exist. Training courses that are within the budget of MyCAA should show a high rate of student success with the certification exam and help new professionals find great jobs.

Are You Eligible?

Only spouses of active personnel in certain pay grades qualify for this funding. Go online to check your status and learn more about MyCAA grants.

To schedule a consultation with an advisor to discuss other traits of the high-quality programs that are best for your goals, log on to the MedCerts website today.


Military Life

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