MedCerts 12 Elements of eLearning Drive Exam Pass Rates Higher Than National Average

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DETROIT, Mich., 25 September 2019 — Students in MedCerts online career training programs have an Allied Health certification exam pass rate of 89%, 20% higher than the national average. A driving force behind that success is the 12 Elements of eLearning model that is designed to keep students engaged, stimulated, and entertained throughout their training and has created new opportunities to prepare clinical specialists for careers in Allied Health.

The 12 Elements of eLearning used in MedCerts asynchronous programs include: HD-quality instructor-led videos, 3D animations, virtual interactive training scenarios, clinical skills demonstrations and simulations, patient demonstrations and interactions, interactive games and activities, and traditional textbook readings and assessments.

“With the adoption of the 12 Elements of eLearning, we now effectively reach more students by accommodating a greater variety of learning styles,” said Chief Product Officer Dana Janssen. “Our approach to developing clinical skills is unique and unparalleled in the eLearning industry. We’re proud to be innovators and are excited to be at the forefront of these advances.”

MedCerts builds it’s career training programs using M.David Merrill’s principles of Instructional Design. Their complete user learning experience is focused on a four-phase cycle of instruction: activation, demonstration, application, and integration. Leveraging new technologies and these instructional design concepts, MedCerts produced content that immerses the learner into a setting where skills, tasks, and processes can be practiced in a safe environment.

The gaming engine used by MedCerts to develop the simulation components is the same used to create games such as Fortnite. While virtual environments and simulations address important clinical skills, gamification challenges students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a way that is fun, interactive, and engaging.

“We want to continue to push the boundaries of what is being done in the online career training industry,” said Jason Aubrey, CEO of MedCerts. “With more ways to learn compared to the typical online or even classroom experience, our students are more prepared for their certification exams, and more importantly their new career.”

Each of the 30-plus career training programs provided by MedCerts has a different blend of 12 Elements of eLearning to best align with each course. As the catalog of programs continues to expand MedCerts plans on looking for additional eLearning strategies and components to add to their training programs.

12 Elements of eLearning Examples:

Immersive 3D environment


Interactive Skills Activities


3D animated demonstration


About MedCerts:

MedCerts is a national online career training and job assistance school. The e-learning school helps students gain entry to new careers by building the knowledge, skills, and experience needed for certification in healthcare, IT and other emerging in-demand fields. MedCerts delivers certification and career training through HD-quality video-based instruction, virtual simulations, games and animations, and on-the-job training. Students receive individualized support, with daily progress monitoring and progress reports, exam preparation support, and career services on their path to employment. Since 2009, the company has trained over 18,000 students. For more information, visit:

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