MedCerts’ Online Pharmacy Technician Program Achieves ASHP Accreditation

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MedCerts, one of the nation’s leading online healthcare and IT certification training schools, has developed an enhanced Pharmacy Technician program that has been formally accredited by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP).

After several years of research and development, MedCerts’ Pharmacy Technician Professional program is one of the first web-based programs to receive ASHP Accreditation — and the first to be delivered 100% online.

“ASHP Accredited programs are the gold standard by which those in the Pharmacy industry measure Pharmacy Technician training,” said Michael Colvin, president of MedCerts. “We’re extremely proud to get their stamp of approval, since it signifies to the world that our online program measures up with those offered at the finest traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ schools in the country. We are honored to be part of this exclusive group of educators.”

ASHP Accredited programs are the gold standard by which those in the Pharmacy industry measure Pharmacy Technician training .

The MedCerts online learning experience is unique, as students remain engaged through a combination of video lecture and demonstration, online and offline skill-building exercises, lab simulation, and one-on-one support and guidance by a team of Subject Matter Experts and support staff. A lab component, complete with a 200-item Simulation Kit, allows students to demonstrate hands-on skills from their homes without sacrificing instructor engagement. This component leverages new technologies to ensure each student receives the necessary observation, feedback, and assessment necessary for a world-class program. MedCerts’ education model is responsible for one of the highest program completion and exam pass rates for students in online education today.

Graduates of the program are prepared for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board’s (PTCB’s) Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE). Partnerships with Walgreens, CVS, and a variety of other pharmacies around the country provide students with further hands-on experience through a 160-hour externship.

“Going through the accreditation process challenged us to find better ways to serve our students,” said Colvin. “It also provides a constant reminder that we must always focus on innovation and improvement. We’ve received numerous inquiries from businesses, medical organizations and academic leaders across the country, and are excited to have the opportunity to explore partnerships with organizations who share in our mission to elevate Pharmacy Technician education.”

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