The Best Unemployment Training Courses for IT-Focused Clients

Interested in the best online training for your participants?

Information technology (IT) is one of the best fields to be in right now. Not only is it expected to add 667,600 new jobs by the year 2030, but it’s also a highly paid field with a lot of room for career advancement. The median salary for computer and IT jobs was $91,250 in May 2020, far higher than the average for all positions of $41,950.

If you have clients interested in training for IT jobs, here are three of the best unemployment training programs for getting their careers off to a great start.

Fundamentals of IT

This Fundamentals of IT course teaches the basic principles of computer systems and associated hardware components. It’s ideal for anyone who is just starting out in the field. This short course is only three weeks and will prepare your clients to take the CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) certification exam. Students who start with an ITF+ certification can use it as a jumping-off point to pursue more advanced certifications in the future. In this course, students will learn:

  • Basic computer and IT literacy

  • Standard programs, applications, and operating systems

  • Basic network design, storage, and sharing options

  • Primary security threats and best practices

  • How to work with programming languages to manage software

  • How to configure devices and PCs

Healthcare IT Technician

This course combines two of the most lucrative and in-demand fields: healthcare and IT. Your clients will learn how to handle IT for a healthcare facility, including complying with regulatory requirements. This 24-week course will prepare students to take the certification tests for CompTIA Network +, CompTIA A+, and CEHRS (certified electronic health records specialist) and get a job with an average starting salary of $35,000. During the five classes that comprise this course, students will learn:

  • How to install and manage both wired and wireless networks

  • How to set up controls and security for users and how to secure networks

  • Common networking protocols

  • The fundamentals of computer technology, networking, and IT security

  • Basic coding

  • How to audit patient records for legal and regulatory compliance

  • Proper computer safety procedures and best practices

Cisco Certified Network Associate

For your clients who have basic computer literacy and are interested in increasing their earning potential, becoming a Cisco certified network associate (CCNA) offers tremendous potential. With an average starting salary of $62,000, CCNAs create a system of computers and devices that communicate with each other. This course consists of two classes taken over seven weeks. Students will learn:

  • To understand the role and function of various network components

  • How to implement basic configuration on a Cisco router

  • How to configure IPV4 and IPV6 addressing

  • To differentiate between traditional and controller-based networking

Take the Next Step with MedCerts

Whether your IT-focused clients are complete beginners or have some experience, they can level up their career with an employment training course from MedCerts. Short-term, personalized courses offered on a flexible schedule will let your clients gain the skills they need from their own homes, removing many common barriers to accessing unemployment training courses. As a result, you can help prepare your clients for a better life in just a few months.

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