The Ultimate Unemployment Career Training Cheat Sheet

Talk to a Workforce Admissions Advisor Today

Ready to get ahead in your career? 

For those who are eligible, the WIOA program is a sure-bet for gaining the skills and experience you need to transition into a rewarding professional life in an in-demand industry. 

What is WIOA? The U.S. Department of Labor’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act will provide funding for certification programs in growing fields like healthcare and IT.

It’s such a great opportunity that you may feel like you’re cheating the system. Follow these steps to begin your future career today.

Step 1: See If You’re Eligible

While each state is different, WIOA funding is often available to under or unemployed adults who could benefit from additional education and training. WIOA is targeted to many kinds of applicants, including those who are low-income individuals, as well as veterans and their spouses.

You must be at least 14 years old and, in some instances, a U.S. citizen to qualify for this benefit. In general, you will also need to either be or have been eligible for unemployment compensation.

It’s possible to qualify if you’ve recently been terminated or laid off, or if you’ve received notice that you’re about to be. If your place of employment announced plans to close within 180 days, you may also qualify for WIOA grants.

Even homemakers who have lost their primary source of income can qualify. If you were once self-employed and are experiencing an economic downturn, you may also receive a grant.

Step 2: Look for Eligible Programs

If you think you could qualify for this funding, the next step is to do some research to find programs that interest you. You’ll want to look for certification programs that provide the targeted training you need to pass a state exam and gain the skills you need to move forward in a new career.

WIOA funding varies by state and local funding availability, so seek out programs that are affordable and effective. MedCerts is an approved training vendor in 26 states, with nationally recognized certification programs in both healthcare and the IT industry.

Step 3: Know Who to Talk To

In order to apply for this grant, you’ll need to visit an American Job Center in your region. Also known as Career One Stop, these centers will connect you with a case manager to determine eligibility and answer questions about getting started.

Access the online state directory to schedule an appointment to discuss WIOA funding.

It’s also possible to get a lot of questions answered in advance of your meeting by talking with a MedCerts education consultant. Every MedCerts student is paired one-on-one with someone who can help them create a plan that can bring their career to the next level.

Step 4: Gather Your Paperwork

Before you head to your meeting with your case manager, you’ll want to be as prepared as possible. This means gathering official documents, including:

  • Your birth certificate
  • Court records like divorce documents
  • Bank records
  • Public assistance records
  • Permanent Change of Station or discharge documents if you are a member of the U.S. Armed Forces

If you are ready to show your eligibility and have a plan for your education goals, you’ll skip ahead of the competition.

Step 5: Begin Now

It might seem too good to be true, but WIOA is an opportunity that many don’t know about or take advantage of and you shouldn’t miss out. You can start today by requesting a consultation with a MedCerts student advisor.

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