Do MyCAA Program Certifications Cross State Lines? What to Know

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Moving around the country can be both exciting and stressful. On the one hand, you get to go somewhere different and experience your new home’s unique culture and climate. On the other, you’ll have to rebuild your life around the opportunities in your new state or country. This can be especially complicated when it comes to work.

If you have a job that requires certification, you may need to take extra steps to make sure you can still work after you move. Meanwhile, if you’re getting a certification through a MyCAA-approved program, you may be worried that the work you’ve already done isn’t going to be valid after the move.

That’s why it’s important to understand whether the certifications you’ve chosen can cross state lines with you.

Here’s what you need to know about MyCAA-approved programs, how certifications cross state lines, and solutions to make sure you’re ready to work as soon as possible after your move.

Benefits of MyCAA Approved Programs

MyCAA-approved programs are certification courses that have been vetted and accepted by the Department of Defense’s My Career Advancement Account Scholarship (MyCAA). Military spouses in these programs are eligible for up to $2,000 per fiscal year ($4000 total), in financial assistance as they pursue or maintain certifications relevant to their chosen field. MedCerts programs are all MyCAA approved and the majority of them lead to national certification, meaning they are good in many states.

One excellent element of MyCAA is that it includes continuing education and recertification courses. If you’ve already been certified once but need to update your education after you cross state lines, MyCAA can help you cover the tuition.

The Complications with Certifications and State Lines

Every state has unique regulations regarding which professions need what certifications. Even if your education is solid, your new state could require you to prove you’re prepared for your work.

Healthcare is particularly known for this demand. If you move across state lines, you may need to take a new test to prove your knowledge. The knowledge you’ve gained from your original certification is still valid: however, you may need to prove you still know what you’re doing

Keeping Certifications Across State Lines

How do you ensure your certifications stay good after moving to a new state? There are a few solutions you can consider as a military spouse.

First, you should focus on choosing programs that are accepted nationwide. The majority of MedCerts programs are accepted nationally, including:

MedCerts programs are excellent for military spouses because they’re built to be flexible. These courses are 100% online, so you can continue learning no matter where you move.

You can also take advantage of the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act. This program offers up to $1000 in military spouse reimbursement for recertification because of their military partner’s relocation.

Last, use the Department of Labor Military Spouse License Recognition Map to see if your new home has military spouse certification transfer programs. That can help you avoid waiting through the entire recertification process.


Military Life

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