Cancellation and Refund Policy
If a student has a question or problem, please contact MedCerts Student Services. If a satisfactory agreement cannot be reached through Student Services, you should then contact the Director of Programs and they will respond within 10 business days. It is the policy of MedCerts to resolve student concerns in a swift and equitable manner.
Students have the right to submit a complaint or grievance to MedCerts through any means of their choosing. If by email, submit to If by phone, call 800-734-1175.
Mailed communication should be mailed to the Director of Programs at the Livonia Headquarters:
MedCerts, LLC
Attn: Director of Programs
14143 Farmington Road
Livonia, MI 48154
Complaints or concerns that have not been satisfactorily resolved by the MedCerts staff can be directed to the TWC.
Students may file a formal complaint with TWC by completing the Student Complaint Form and following the instructions in the following link:
Additional information can be found at
The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) — Career Schools and Colleges
101 East 15th Street, Room 226
Austin, TX 78778-0001
Phone: 512-936-3100
All students have a seven-day cancellation period. All tuition paid by a student will be refunded if the student chooses to withdraw from the school within seven calendar days after having signed the enrollment agreement. Following the cancellation period, students may withdraw from MedCerts at any time by submitting a request for cancellation. Cancelled balances are calculated based on original, undiscounted tuition. The institution uses the Total Course Price in preparing enrollment agreements, calculating refund amounts and collecting student accounts. Total Course Price includes charges for tuition, registration, educational services and instruction. The amount students owe upon withdrawing is determined by how much of each course in the program they have completed, deducting all payments made. Upon cancellation, the amount due to the school or the amount refunded to the student is calculated according to the schedule specified by the state of the student’s residence. Applicants who are denied admission will be refunded all tuition and charges/fees paid.
The refund schedule for Texas is listed below.
- Refund computations will be based on the number of LESSONS in each course in the program.
- The effective date of termination for refund purposes will be the earliest of the following:
- the date of notification to the student if the student is terminated by the school;
- the date of receipt of emailed/written notice from the student that he/she wishes to withdraw
- After the seven-day cancellation period, the following refund policy will apply:
- The student will be refunded the pro rata portion of the remaining tuition based on the number of lessons not-yet completed and serviced by the school minus the total number of lessons completed. The proration is defined by a percentage that represents the unused tuition that is eligible for refund. Example: Student completes 35 out of 110 lessons (32%) and decides he/she would like to withdraw from the program. The student is eligible for a refund in the amount equal to the non-completed lessons (75 lessons). In the example, 75 lessons represent 68% of the program, thus the student is entitled to a 68% refund of tuition.
- A full refund of all tuition and fees is due in each of the following cases:
- an enrollee is not accepted by the school;
- the program of instruction is discontinued by the school, preventing the student from completing the program;
- the student’s enrollment was procured as a result of any misrepresentation in advertising, promotional materials of the school, or misrepresentations by the owner or representatives of the school.
- Refunds will be totally consummated within 60 days of withdrawal or termination.
Refund Policy for Students Called to Active Military Service
A student of the school or college who withdraws from the school or college as a result of the student being called to active duty in a military service of the United States or the Texas National Guard may elect one of the following options for each program in which the student is enrolled:
- If tuition and fees are collected in advanced of the withdrawal, a pro rata refund of any tuition, fees, or other charges paid by the student for the program and a cancellation of any unpaid tuition, fees, or other charges owed by the student for the portion of the program the student does not complete following withdrawal;
- A grade of incomplete with the designation “withdrawn-military” for the courses in the program, other than courses for which the student has previously received a grade on the student’s transcript, and the right to re-enroll in the program, or a substantially equivalent program if that program is no longer available, not later than the first anniversary of the date the student is discharged from active military duty without payment of additional tuition, fees, or other charges for the program other than any previously unpaid balance of the original tuition, fees, and charges for books for the program; or
- The assignment of an appropriate final grade or credit for the courses in the program, but only if the instructor or instructors of the program determine that the student has:
- Satisfactorily completed at least 90 percent of the required coursework for the program and
- Demonstrated sufficient mastery of the program material to receive credit for completing the program.
The payment of refunds will be totally completed such that the refund instrument has been negotiated or credited into the proper account(s) within 60 days after the effective date of termination.
A full refund will be made to any student who cancels the enrollment contract within 7 days (until midnight of the seventh day excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays) after the enrollment contract is signed.
For all Residents of Indiana
This institution is regulated by:
Indiana Department of Workforce Development
Office for Career and Technical Schools
10 N Senate Avenue, Suite SE 308 Indianapolis, IN 46204
317 234-8338 or 317-232-1732
The postsecondary proprietary educational institution shall pay a refund to the student in the amount calculated under the refund policy specified below or as otherwise approved by the Office for Career and Technical Schools (OCTS). The institution must make the proper refund no later than thirty-one (31) days of the student’s request for cancellation or withdrawal.
If a postsecondary proprietary educational institution utilizes a refund policy of their recognized national accrediting agency or the United States Department of Education (USDOE) Title IV refund policy, the postsecondary proprietary educational institution must provide written verification in the form of a final refund calculation, upon the request of OCTS, that its refund policy is more favorable to the student than that of OCTS.
The following refund policy applies to each resident postsecondary proprietary educational institution as follows:
1. A student is entitled to a full refund if one (1) or more of the following criteria are met:
(a) The student cancels the enrollment agreement or enrollment application within six (6) business days after signing.
(b) The student does not meet the postsecondary proprietary educational institution’s minimum admission requirements.
(c) The student’s enrollment was procured as a result of a misrepresentation in the written materials utilized by the postsecondary proprietary educational institution.
(d) If the student has not visited the postsecondary educational institution prior to enrollment, and, upon touring the institution or attending the regularly scheduled orientation/classes, the student withdrew from the program within three (3) days.
2. A student withdrawing from an instructional program, after starting the instructional program at a postsecondary proprietary institution and attending one (1) week or less, is entitled to a refund of ninety percent (90%) of the cost of the financial obligation, less an application/enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tuition, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100).
3. A student withdrawing from an instructional program, after attending more than one (1) week but equal to or less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the duration of the instructional program, is entitled to a refund of seventy-five percent (75%) of the cost of the financial obligation, less an application/enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tuition, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100).
4. A student withdrawing from an instructional program, after attending more than twenty-five percent (25%) but equal to or less than fifty percent (50%) of the duration of the instructional program, is entitled to a refund of fifty percent (50%) of the cost of the financial obligation, less an application/enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tuition, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100).
5. A student withdrawing from an instructional program, after attending more than fifty percent (50%) but equal to or less than sixty percent (60%) of the duration of the instructional program, is entitled to a refund of forty percent (40%) of the cost of the financial obligation, less an application/enrollment fee of ten percent (10%) of the total tuition, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100).
6. A student withdrawing from an institutional program, after attending more than sixty percent (60%) of the duration of the instructional program, is not entitled to a refund.
Student Protection Fund IC 22-4.1-21-15 and IC 22-4.1-21-18 requires each educational institution accredited by the Office for Career and Technical Schools to submit an institutional surety bond and contribute to the Career College Student Assurance Fund which will be used to pay off debt incurred due to the closing of a school, discontinuance of a program, or loss of accreditation by an institution. To file a claim, each student must submit a completed “Student Complaint Form.” This form can be found on OCTS’s website at .
OCTS Resident Refund Policy
Revised 7/20/17
MedCerts serves students across the nation, in accordance with the laws and regulations in place for each state. The following program cancellation and refund policy is applicable to all students unless the student is located in a state with unique cancellation and refund policy requirements. Further, students who receive third party funding should refer to the applicable refund requirements of that entity and refer to applicable refund information in this catalog. Please refer to the Appendices to confirm whether a state- or funding source-specific policy is applicable to you.
- You have the right to cancel this agreement entirely either prior to, or up to 21 days after the program start date. When written notice of program cancellation is received, a 100% refund will be issued for any tuition and fees paid to date. The written notice must be sent with a date, either in electronic format or postmarked and mailed on or before the 21st day after your official Start Date. Before issuing any refund, all program materials and supplies sent to you must be returned, as set forth in section 2 below. You are responsible for all shipping costs to return materials. You have 30 days to return MedCerts materials. If materials are not received within 30 days of Cancellation your refund is considered void and will not be issued. Refunds will be issued within 30 days following MedCerts’ receipt of all returned program materials and supplies.
- Prior to receiving any refund as outlined above, you must first return all program materials and supplies, including, but not limited to, laptops, must be returned, at your expense, insured and tracked through the carrier. Program materials and supplies may include, but not limited to, laptops. Returned materials must be packed carefully to prevent damage. You also agree to destroy all copies, including downloaded, backup, printed and/or written, you may have.
- If you cancel or withdraw under this section, your enrollment with MedCerts is terminated and you may not transfer your program materials, supplies, or enrollment to any other person.
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- Select contacts from the options on the left side of the Gmail Inbox.
- Select Create Contact on the top menu.
- Enter the email address in the primary email box.
- Select Save.
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In Yahoo Mail, your Contacts list is your whitelist. To add the From Address to your Yahoo Contacts:
- Open your Yahoo mailbox.
- Click the address book icon under the Yahoo! Mail logo. When you roll your mouse over it, it will say Contacts.
- Click “New Contact”.
- Fill in the fields of your Contact.
- Click Save.
Mail from this sender should now be delivered to your Inbox.
Course Catalog
Please click the below link to download our course catalog.
Please see the below link for all Texas residents.
Our career training programs result in nationally accredited certifications through the governing bodies of the National Healthcareer Association (NHA), Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB), Behavior Analysis Certification Board (BACB), American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC), American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), CompTIA and more.
MedCerts is licensed and registered by the State of Michigan’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs as a Proprietary School. MedCerts programs have been approved by an assortment of industry-specific organizations, the Department of Defense’s MyCAA program and are listed on over thirty (30) State Approved Training Provider Lists (ETPLs).
MedCerts delivers Online/Distance Learning. We have developed one-of-a-kind training model that allows our students a high level of flexibility and self-paced learning, however, our students are never alone in their learning path. Recorded video lectures combine with the best course ware available, software demos/labs, a wide assortment of program supplements, a full knowledge base of course resources and exam preparation materials – all delivered with live subject matter support, technical support, and general students support.
MedCerts specializes in training leading to certification in various healthcare fields, and recently has been expanding our catalog of Information Technology (IT) and Healthcare IT (HCIT) course offerings.
Most of our programs are considered “Dual Certification” programs, and thus have more than one target certification associated with them. In general, for each of our 6-month programs you can expect to be prepared and eligible for a minimum of TWO (2) Certifications. For the shorter 3-4 month programs, there is likely a single target certification.
What separates MedCerts from other online training providers is the emphasis that we place on Student Services. A professional team of Student Support Coordinators leads each student from orientation through certification. On-demand support is provided for a full Twelve (12) months, regardless of the length of program.
If payment of full tuition is not an option, we have a variety of funding options to fit the needs of most students. Please contact us for more details.
Most MedCerts programs are Six (6) Months in duration, however, we do offer several shorter programs ranging from 3-4 months, and one program that is 9 months.
Microsoft Office 365
Attention: Microsoft Office Students
The HI-1013 Microsoft Office course is provided to our students in order to expose them to common software used in any business office setting. It is not required to pass the course, but if you need further exposure to the programs you can download a free trial of MS programs. Please see below:
Since the trial version is only available for 30 days after registration, please do not download the software UNTIL YOU HAVE BEGUN your HI-1013 Microsoft Word and Excel Course. This ensures that you have the software available to you for the duration of that course. Once your trial period has expired, another trial cannot be downloaded. |
Simply click on the link below, and then click on the button to Try Office 365 Personal. (1 month)
(Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote, and Outlook, plus Publisher and Access for Windows PCs)
Microsoft periodically updates their software, and the layout of the toolbars may appear different in your training than on the version of the applications you are using, however the functions of the programs will remain the same.
The following table lists the MedCerts programs which are eligible for credit transfer to Excelsior. For further program details, visit the Excelsior College website. Eligibility is subject to change without notice. Check with Excelsior college for all credit terms.
HI-1011 | HI-1014 | HI-1017 | HI-6010 | HI-6012 | ||||
Transfer Credits | Credit Value | Medical Office Procedures and Administration | Intro to Anatomy and Medical Terminology | Pharmacy Technician Principles and Practices | Clinical Medical Assisting | Electrocardiography | ||
BT-1000 | Behavior Technician and the Medical Office | 4 | $2,220 | 2 | 2 | |||
BT-1100 | Behavior Technician Specialist | 2 | $1,110 | 2 | ||||
DA-4000 | Dental Assistant and Office Administration (Program Retired: Alumni Credit Only) | 4 | $2,220 | 2 | 2 | |||
HI-1000 | Medical Front Office Assistant and Administration Specialist | 4 | $2,220 | 2 | 2 | |||
HI-1100 | Medical Billing Specialist | 2 | $1,110 | 2 | ||||
HI-1200 | Medical Front Office Administration Specialist | 4 | $2,220 | 2 | 2 | |||
HI-2000 | Medication Care Coordinator | 6 | $3,330 | 2 | 2 | 2 | ||
HI-2100 | Pharmacy Technician Specialist | 4 | $2,220 | 2 | 2 | |||
HI-3000 | Medical Front Office and Electronic Health Records | 4 | $2,220 | 2 | 2 | |||
HI-3100 | Electronic Health Records Specialist | 2 | $1,110 | 2 | ||||
HI-4000 | Electronic Health Records and Reimbursement Specialist | 2 | $1,110 | 2 | ||||
HI-5100 | Professional Coder | 2 | $1,110 | 2 | ||||
HI-8000 | Health Unit Coordinator | 2 | $1,110 | 2 | ||||
HI-9000 | Allied Healthcare Professional | 6 | $3,330 | 2 | 2 | 2 | ||
HI-9500 | Healthcare Administration Professional | 4 | $2,220 | 2 | 2 | |||
HI-6000 | Medical Assistant | 9 | $4,995 | 2 | 2 | 5 | ||
HI-6100 | Phlebotomy Technician | 2 | $1,110 | 2 | ||||
HI-6200 | EKG Technician | 4 | $2,220 | 2 | 2 | |||
HI-6300 | Cardio-Phlebotomy Technician | 4 | $2,220 | 2 | 2 | |||
HI-7000 | Patient Care Technician | 4 | $2,220 | 2 | 2 | |||
HI-9600 | Clinical Medical Specialist | 9 | $4,995 | 2 | 2 | 5 | ||
HI-9700 | Clinical Medical Professional | 11 | $6,105 | 2 | 2 | 5 | 2 | |
PT-3000 | Physical Therapy Aide and Administration Specialist | 4 | $2,220 | 2 | 2 | |||
RX-3000 | Pharmacy Technician Professional | 4 | $2,220 | 2 | 2 | |||
SP-3000 | Sterile Processing Technician | 2 | $1,110 | 2 |
Eligibility Dates
Program Start Date Must Be On or After: | |||
HI-1011 | Medical Office Procedures and Administration | 12/14/18 | |
HI-1014 | Intro to Anatomy and Medical Terminology | 11/1/17 | |
HI-6010 | Clinical Medical Assisting | 12/14/18 | |
HI-1017 | Pharmacy Technician Principles & Practices | 12/1/16 | |
HI-6012 | Electrocardiography | 7/8/19 |
Student Policies
Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity-Employment and Training Division
105 West Allegan Street
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: 517-241-9223
Alabama Commission on Higher Education
100 North Union Street, Suite 782
Montgomery, AL 36104
Phone: 334-242-1998
Colorado Department of Higher Education
Division of Private Occupational Schools (DPOS)
1600 Broadway, Suite 2200
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303-862-3001
Connecticut Office of Higher Education
450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 707
Hartford, CT 06103-1841
Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission
2082 East Exchange Place
Tucker, GA 30084
Phone: 770-414-3300
Office for Career and Technical Schools
Indiana Department of Workforce Development
10 N. Senate Ave, Suite SE 308
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317-234-8338 or 317-232-1732
Iowa College Aid
475 SW Fifth Street, Suite D
Des Moines, IA 50309
Phone: 515-725-3400
Kansas Board of Regents
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 520
Topeka, KS 66612
Phone: 785-296-3421
Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education
500 Mero Street, 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
Louisiana Board of Regents
P.O. Bo 3677
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
Phone: 225-342-4253
Nebraska Department of Education
P.O. Box 94987
Lincoln, NE 685009
Phone: 402-471-2295
Texas Workforce Commission
101 E. 15th Street
Austin, TX 78778
Phone: 512-463-2222
Utah Department of Commerce-Division of Consumer Protection
160 East 300 South
P.O. Box 146704
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Phone: 801-530-6601
Washington D.C.
Higher Education Licensure Commission (HELC)
1050 First St. NE
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202-727-6436
MedCerts serves students across the nation, in accordance with the laws and regulations in place for each state. The following grievance procedure is applicable to all students unless the student is located in a state with unique grievance policy requirements. Please refer to the Appendices to confirm whether a state-specific policy is applicable to you.
If a student has a question or problem, please contact MedCerts Student Services. If a satisfactory agreement cannot be reached through Student Services, you should then contact the Director of Programs and they will respond within 10 business days. It is the policy of MedCerts to resolve student concerns in a swift and equitable manner. Students have the right to submit a complaint or grievances to MedCerts through any means of their choosing. If by email, submit to If by phone, call 800-734-1175.
Mailed communication should be mailed to the Director of Programs at the location below:
Livonia Headquarters:
MedCerts, LLC
Attn: Director of Programs
14143 Farmington Road
Livonia, MI 48154
Complaints or concerns that have not been satisfactorily resolved by the MedCerts staff can be directed to the following Michigan agency, or the appropriate agency for your state of residence:
State of Michigan
Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity
Employment and Training, Post-Secondary Schools
P.O. Box 30726
Lansing, MI 48907
Complaints may be filed by a student or guardian at any time online with the Division of Private Occupational Schools (DPOS) within two years from the student’s last days of attendance or at any time prior to the commencement of training at, 303-862-3001.
For Connecticut residents, complaints or concerns that have not been satisfactorily resolved by MedCerts staff can be directed to:
Connecticut Office of Higher Education
450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 707
Hartford, CT 06103-1841
For Georgia residents, complaints or concerns that have not been satisfactorily resolved by the MedCerts staff can be directed to:
Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission2082 East Exchange Place, Suite 220, Tucker, GA 30084; Phone: (770) 414-3300URL:
For Kansas residents, complaints or concerns that have not been satisfactorily resolved by the MedCerts staff can be directed to:
Kansas Board of Regents
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 520
Topeka, KS 66612-1368
To file a complaint with the Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education, a complaint shall be in writing and shall be filed on Form PE-24, 2017 Form to File a Complaint, accompanied, if applicable, by Form PE-25, Authorization for Release of Student Records. The form may be mailed to the following address: Kentucky Commission on Proprietary Education, 500 Mero Street, 4th floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601. The forms can be found on the website at
Complaints relative to actions of school officials may be made and must be in writing, addressed to the Louisiana Board of Regents, Proprietary Schools Section, P.O. Box 3677, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3677, 225-342-4253. Such complaints may be made only after the student has unsuccessfully attempted to resolve the matter with the school by having first filed a written and signed complaint with that school’s officials. Any student who wishes to review the student complaint procedure may make a request for a copy of the procedure, in writing, addressed to the Louisiana Board of Regents, Proprietary Schools Section, P.O. Box 3677, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3677, 225-342-4253.
If any concerns or complaints, the student may contact the Program Director of Private Postsecondary Career Schools at the Nebraska Department of Education.
Washington D.C.
Alternate to contacting the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs per the Grievance Procedure described above, Washington D.C. Residents can contact the Higher Education Licensure Commission. See Complaint Information page.
As part of their enrollment, MedCerts students interested in job search assistance and career support are provided access to the MedCerts Career Center, our in-house Career Coaches and Employer Relations Coordinators, and a complimentary job search prep course.
In the MedCerts Career Center, students will find expert advice from Career Coaches, as well as a variety of resources and tools to help prepare for job applications and interviews. They can also sign up for personalized email alerts, career planning and job search webinars, and one-on-one appointments with a Career Coach. The Career Center also employer partner profiles and job postings so students can get first access to new openings. Career Coaches are available to help create and polish resumes, prepare for your upcoming interviews, and develop a job search plan. These tools are designed to empower students to have planning and preparation tools they can use throughout their careers and feel ready to find a job and begin working upon national certification.
MedCerts is licensed by the State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) as Proprietary School. However, neither job placement nor satisfaction of state or local licensing requirements (if any) for any fields or certifications related to MedCerts training are guaranteed to graduates upon program completion. Students/Graduates are solely responsible for determining if the program satisfies the state and local educational/licensing requirements for your chosen career field (if any) and does not conflict with state or local educational requirements for compulsory age students, if applicable. MedCerts will not provide a refund or be liable for any losses that you may incur as a result of your inability to gain employment or the program failing to satisfy such state or local professional educational/licensing requirements for this career field.
Click Here to create a Parchment account and submit your document request ticket.
MedCerts Official Student Documents
A Signed and stamped copy of your transcript, education verification letter, or award of program completion (certificate) can be sent by MedCerts via Parchment services directly to you, an institution or employer designated on your request ticket. The following fees apply to official student document orders:
- Cost for digital processing: $3.25
- Cost for print and mailed services
- USPS Domestic: $2.50 shipping/handling (+ $3.25 request fee) = $5.75
- USPS International: $5.40 shipping/handling (+ $3.25 request fee) = $8.65
- Cost for expedited services
- FedEx (Overnight Domestic): $32 shipping/handling (+ $3.25 request fee) = $35.25
- FedEx (International Priority): $58 shipping/handling (+ $3.25 request fee) = $61.25
A transcript and other documents may not be considered official if they are not sent directly by MedCerts via Parchment services to the designated recipient. Once MedCerts receives the official order request through the Parchment Storefront, documents will be released within 7 calendar days. Expedited orders will be processed within 2 business days and are subject to additional processing fees (see Expedited Service fees above).
Unofficial Program Progress Report A unofficial program progress report, that is not signed or stamped, can be printed by a student from their MedCerts Learning Portal.
Need Help? Click one of the below links for assistance or contact your MedCerts Student Success Advisor.
How to Create Parchment Account and Request Transcripts/Official Documents
Permanent academic records, which include transcripts, are maintained by MedCerts for students. Individual records will be maintained for a minimum of six (6) years following the end of the last Enrollment Period, graduation, or withdrawal. It is the policy of MedCerts to not release educational or financial information to anyone other than the student. To release information to anyone other than the student, MedCerts must have written consent from the student to do so. The student must complete the Student Information Release Form. From time to time, MedCerts may be required to report student’s Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”) to either state or federal agencies in order to fully comply with all state, federal or local laws and regulations. Student records, including communication logs between students and MedCerts staff are considered confidential, and will not be sold, shared, or exchanged with any non-authorized person or entity.
- School officials with legitimate educational interest;
- Other schools to which a student is transferring;
- Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
- Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
- Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
- Accrediting organizations;
- To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
- Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
- State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific state law.
Certain programs offered through specific funding opportunities may include the use of a laptop computer during enrollment where permitted by funding source and/or legal guidelines. Depending on the source of funding, the laptop may be provided on temporary loan or provided to the student indefinitely. In both cases, it is the student’s sole responsibility to ensure the safe-keeping and general care of the laptop at all times. This includes the purchase and installation of anti-virus software protection. Lost or stolen laptops will not be replaced by MedCerts. Except for loaner laptops (as noted below), the laptop becomes the student’s property once it has been received. MedCerts bears no responsibility for the care and maintenance of the device unless the laptop has been received by the student in a broken/damaged condition, in which case the laptop will be returned to the source (MedCerts pays for return shipping), and a replacement laptop will be ordered at no cost to the student.
Notice Regarding Loaner Laptops: On occasion, and based on need and ultimate approval of the Director of Programs or the Director of Admissions, a student may be provided a new or used laptop to an individual student for use during his/her program on a loan basis. Recipients are required to sign a “Laptop Loan Agreement” that outlines the terms of the loan. Upon termination of the agreement, the student will have the option to return the laptop using a pre-paid shipping label, or purchase the laptop at the current fair market value. Lost or stolen loaner laptops will not be replaced by MedCerts under the original terms of the loan agreement. In the case of theft or loss, the student will be responsible for purchasing the laptop at fair market value, according to the terms of the loan agreement. At the discretion of the Director of Programs, a replacement laptop MAY be provided, but must be under a new loan agreement.
Students who need to replace any lost/stolen/damaged or misplaced study materials should call or email Student Services for assistance. There will be a replacement fee for each item. On occasion, MedCerts may have a “used” book that can be purchased a discounted rate.
Because MedCerts sponsors students for all healthcare certification exams, we are notified of all student exam results as soon as they become available. In certain instances, exam results may not be made immediately available to MedCerts – in which case we require that the student notify Student Services of exam results directly. CompTIA exam results are not released to anyone except the student who has attempted the exam. Since MedCerts does not cover the cost for exam re-takes, we effectively do not “sponsor” the second attempt. Due to this fact, MedCerts does not automatically receive exam results for non-sponsored exams. In these cases, it is the student’s responsibility to report a PASS or FAIL exam result to MedCerts Student Support.
Except as noted above (see National Certification Exam Payment and Registration), MedCerts does not offer complimentary retakes for any exams. Students will be responsible for all charges associated with scheduling and sitting for a retake examination. Students may purchase exam vouchers by contacting Student Services. Payment must be received in full by MedCerts before a voucher number will be issued to the student.
Exam preparation tools are available to assist students in preparing for his/her certification exam. MedCerts provides students with an assortment of these tools at no additional charge. Practice exams, online assessments, and other preparation tools are available from a variety of online providers which can be purchased by the student. While recommended, these tools are not required for students to purchase.
To be registered for National Certification exams, students must have successfully completed 100% of the program content, including all Chapter Review Quizzes (80% min score), and Course Final Exams (80% min score) as well as any additional course-related assignments. While the cost of exams is covered by MedCerts, as a Sponsor we reserve the right to determine exam readiness. Fees for exam registration will be paid by MedCerts only within the Enrollment period or formally approved three (3) month extension. Within the eligible exam registration period, MedCerts will make every effort to ensure that students are provided with appropriate supplemental materials or resources, as deemed necessary to meet the requirements related to the CURRENT exam objectives relevant to the student’s eligible exam(s). Due to the ever-changing nature of curriculum and exam objectives, this policy is necessary to ensure that MedCerts only sponsors student’s exam registration in a situation where the program completion is aligned with current exam objectives.
The cost for the first attempt of each eligible National Certification exam within a student’s program is covered by MedCerts. MedCerts is a recognized INSTITUTIONAL SPONSOR of all certificate exams for which we prepare students. MedCerts’ sponsorship of your exam demonstrates to the Certifying body that you have completed education through a recognized training provider. Students that have registered for an exam under the sponsorship of MedCerts will not be charged for the certification exam. Students are provided a detail of which exams he/she will be eligible to attempt prior to their enrollment in the program. In many cases, students will be eligible for MORE THAN ONE exam. MedCerts will cover the cost of the first attempt on each eligible exam only. The cost for any exam re-take will be the responsibility of the student. If a student fails his/her first exam attempt, he/she may use the value of their voucher for a secondary exam to cover the cost of the re-take. PLEASE NOTE: In this case, he/she then forfeits the voucher for the secondary exam and any future registration cost will be the responsibility of the student.
Graduates of the MedCerts Pharmacy Technician program are eligible for an Externship at a participating Retail Pharmacies such as a Walgreens or CVS. All students must apply to the program and complete the prerequisite criteria before being accepted into the program. Only eligible candidates who meet Walgreens/CVS employment requirements and state licensure and/or registration requirements will be selected. It is important that students present themselves in a positive and professional manner, as a reflection of both him/herself and MedCerts. The opportunity to participate in the externship will only be available for ONE YEAR after the successful completion of the pharmacy technician program. Any requests received after eligibility expiration would need to be evaluated for reactivation and a decision to allow for placement will be made on an individual basis.
While reasonable efforts will be made to do so, placement in an externship is not guaranteed, and depends on a variety of factors including student geography and availability of a participating pharmacy. Additionally, MedCerts reserves the authority to not sponsor a student for externship at the school’s discretion. In such cases, students are allowed the option to set up their own externship at any other retail or hospital facility.
The Extern Participant Will:
- Adhere to the MedCerts Externship Site’s work schedule and its policies and procedures including dress code and/or uniform requirements.
- Assume personal and professional responsibilities for actions and activities.
- Maintain academic performance and conduct standards set forth by MedCerts & the Externship Site.
- Work effectively with peers and supervisors.
- Notify the Externship Site and MedCerts of changes in status.
- Notify MedCerts upon successful completion of the externship program.
- Be courteous, attentive, and respectful throughout the externship as a representative of MedCerts.
Additionally, the externship participant agrees to communicate with MedCerts regarding his/her progress throughout their externship experience. Upon the conclusion of the externship, the participant agrees to submit feedback on their experience at the request of MedCerts.
Upon completion of his/her program, the student is required to complete an End of Program Survey. The survey includes questions on student engagement, student readiness, instructor and academic support, technology, curriculum, resources and other support. Student feedback through the survey is an opportunity for students to have a voice in their program of study and is an essential part of our process of continual improvement.
Students that have met their program requirements, and have paid their tuition in full are eligible for receipt of a Certificate of Completion from MedCerts, and awards the student with eligibility to MedCerts sponsored certification exams and an expanded array of student services made available to program completers (ie. Exam preparation assistance, resume assistance, soft/business skills training, etc.). Upon completion, students can immediately download their Certificate of Completion in the program wrap-up section in the LMS.
A final PASS/NON-PASS grade will be assigned based on the composite results of all modules within the student’s program. A PASS grade will be assigned upon the Director of Programs’ verification that all required components of the program has successfully been completed. A Non-Pass grade is not officially recognized/reported or assigned until the student’s access to his/her training has reached the maximum 12 Month expiration.
In order to achieve a PASS grade for the program students must meet the following requirements:
- View all course video chapters as assigned
- Attempt and Pass all chapter review quizzes with a minimum score of 80%
- Scored at least 80% on each assigned course Final Exam
- Successfully complete any other program-specific requirements (as presented in syllabus or course schedule/outline)
- Successfully complete a minimum 160 hours of hands-on experiential training through an organized externship (RX-3000 Program ONLY)
*Some specialty courses/programs require that the student submit additional assignments, video simulations, or other assessed work.
Occasionally, a student may begin a certification program and then determine that the related career field is not ideal for him/her. Rather than Drop/Withdraw from the course, students have a ONE TIME option to Transfer to another course within the MedCerts catalog of equal or lesser tuition value. After consulting with Student Support, students may submit a written/emailed request for consideration. In order to be eligible for transfer, additional approvals may be necessary (ie. Case Manager, Workforce Representative, MyCAA Counselor, etc.). Requests for program transfer must be received by MedCerts PRIOR TO the student’s official Program End Date, without exception. Students who have completed greater than 50% of his/her original program will NOT be eligible for a transfer.
Please Note: Military students using Department of Defense Credentialing Assistance (Army, Air Force & Coast Guard) are NOT eligible to transfer to another program within the MedCerts Catalog after initial program selection. This policy is in compliance with the Department of Defense’s Credentialing Assistance Withdraw/Cancellation Policy.
The majority of MedCerts programs are comprised of multiple courses, and each course will contain predecessor requirements that must be achieved/completed prior to advancing to the next course. Due to this fact, it is imperative that students understand that they must follow they outline of courses as defined by MedCerts. In order to do so, a minimum passing score must be achieved within each of the modules/chapters of a single course before the next course will be accessible.
Quizzes and Exams grades are available immediately after completion of the quiz/exam. Quizzes and Exams are considered PASS/FAIL, with a minimum passing score of 80% for all Quizzes and 80% for all Final Exams. Each may be re-taken until a satisfactory score is achieved. This is to ensure that the student is more easily able to identify difficult/challenging areas where improvement may be needed, re-focus efforts on these areas, and then re-assess for mastery of content. Some programs have graded components/assignments that are manually reviewed. Please allow up to 72 hours for such assignments to be graded and for the grade to be posted on to the student’s record.
Access to Online Video Content via the Learning Portal is granted for a period of TWELVE (12) MONTHS from the Official Program Start Date (defined as ENROLLMENT PERIOD) of the student’s program regardless of the assigned duration of enrolled program. Additionally, all students are eligible for support from all divisions of MedCerts Student Services, Technical Support, and Subject Matter Support for a period of 12 Months from the Start Date (Enrollment Period) of the student’s program. The availability of extended time beyond the scheduled End Date is provided in the event a student has been provided an approved program extension, as well as to allow all students ample time for course review complimented by MedCerts Exam Preparation support during the time preceding National Certification Exams. If the student completes his/her program within the 12 Month Enrollment Period and needs additional time to prepare for National Certification Exams, he or she MAY FORMALLY REQUEST A ONE-TIME THREE (3) MONTH EXTENSION to the Learning Portal, that will allow for additional review prior to sitting for his/her National Certification Exam(s). This three (3) month extension will immediately follow the twelve (12) month Enrollment Period. A formal email request must be sent to Student Support ( PRIOR to the 12 Month Enrollment Period expiration.
Any student that has been dismissed according to the MedCerts Dismissal Policy immediately and permanently loses access to the Learning Portal. Such students must re-enroll into a MedCerts program in order to regain access to the Learning Portal.
By enrolling in a MedCerts program, you have agreed to follow the curriculum as it has been designed. The content, order of courses, duration of program, and assignments (video lectures, chapter quizzes, course final exams, lab and workbook activities, textbook review, etc.) have been blended in such a way to provide students with the skillsets, knowledge, and expertise required for certification success.
MedCerts provides students with many mechanisms to help students stay on track for timely completion of program requirements. Students accessing their training through the MedCerts Learning Portal have on-demand access to their current “Progress Report”. This report displays students’ percent progression through their program, and shows all quiz and exam results. In some cases, where request or required, students will have “narrative” record of their progress submitted by Student Services on a bi-weekly basis. At the conclusion of training, this report will serve as the unofficial transcript for program completion.
It is MedCerts’ sincere intent that students succeed in their programs. MedCerts will make every effort to ensure this objective. Students are tracked and monitored on a continuous basis, and each student’s progress is measured against where he/she should be with regard to the defined duration of the program. If a student is determined to be off-track, the student will be notified and corrective action will need to occur. Corrective action can be a simple as the student devoting additional time to his/her studies in order to catch up, or as extensive as a required consultation with Student Services, wherein a revised schedule can be created based on a remedial plan in more extreme cases of deficiency.
If the student’s progress is severely deficient, and the student does not respond to Student Services contact efforts towards getting him/her back on track, the student may be placed on Academic Probation after a defined period of time (described in the Academic Probation policy). During this period outreach and support efforts performed by Student Services may be temporarily or permanently discontinued.
MedCerts official communications are sent by email. Most official forms require electronic communication by e-mail, unless forms or directions state otherwise. Students MUST check their email regularly and respond, where needed, to any communications sent from MedCerts.
Upon enrollment, an official Student Record is created for each student. The Student Record contains the current demographic information about each student, including their physical and email address, and phone number(s). Additionally, the Student Record is a storage repository for all communication between MedCerts and the Student. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the information within our records is accurate and current. All e-mail correspondence from MedCerts will be sent to the e-mail address listed in the student record. Also, where applicable, materials will be shipped to the address on the student profile. MedCerts is not responsible for shipments or correspondence sent to the incorrect shipping address or e-mail address.
If you need a temporary leave of absence from the program, a request should be made in writing (email is satisfactory) to MedCerts. A ONE MONTH leave of absence will be granted for good cause. Based on need, the leave of absence may be extended in one month increments, up to a total of THREE (3) Months of maximum leave. A leave of absence does not extend the required time for completion. If a student fails to request an extension in a timely manner or cannot complete the course successfully during the extended time, the student will not be eligible for a passing grade.
Good attendance and academic performance are crucial for a successful learning experience. As each class includes material, labs, and other exercises that build upon each other throughout the duration of each course and program, it is important that students complete all classes and lab sessions for which they are enrolled. All MedCerts programs are self-paced, however, each course and program has an assigned duration which has been built into a master “Learning Plan” for each student. Each Learning Plan has a respective “Course Schedule” containing a blueprint for completing each course and program within the recommended duration of the program. While self-paced, each program requires that the student devote 15-20 hours/week to their training. Doing so will ensure successful program completion within the assigned duration of the program.
The acceptance of transfer academic credits to another institution is determined by the receiving institution. Institutions individually establish criteria for transfer credit acceptance based on many factors, including but not limited to course content, degree or non-degree course, final grade, credits (if any) per course, type of accreditation, age of credits, etc. Courses in MedCerts’ certificate programs may or may not transfer to other institutions and depends solely on the receiving institution’s criteria and determination. MedCerts does not imply or guarantee the transferability of credits from its certificate programs. MedCerts has not entered into a credit for prior learning (CPL) or transfer agreement with any college or university. Due to the unique nature of MedCerts programs, and the fact that MedCerts instructors/staff must verify that the school’s standards have been met, students are not permitted to transfer credit in for any of the instruction. Students in all programs must meet the requirements assigned to the program, with no variance between individual learners. Additionally, MedCerts programs and courses are measured in Clock Hours, not Credit Hours.
Accessibility Statement
MedCerts complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and state and local requirements regarding students with disabilities. MedCerts does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, or physical disability. MedCerts will provide reasonable accommodations or services to qualified students with disabilities. MedCerts has designed protocol to make reasonable accommodations where applicable above and beyond current accessibility.
MedCerts is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities by meeting or exceeding the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended in 1998. Regular testing (both internal and by a third party) is conducted to identify conformance issues, with processes in place for timely remediation of accessibility issues that are identified.
MedCerts is committed to providing an online educational experience that is accessible to users regardless of the user’s disabilities to satisfy the requirements of Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. MedCerts strives to conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA (Guidelines”) of the Web Accessibility Initiative, to provide equitable access to our courses and resources. Beyond meeting compliance, we also continuously aim to improve the user experience for users with impairments, disabilities and/or using assistive technologies.
Contact if you are unable to access any of our web or eLearning content.
Upon request, MedCerts can share our most recent Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT).
Accommodating Students with Disabilities
MedCerts complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and state and local requirements regarding students with disabilities. MedCerts does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, or physical disability. MedCerts will provide reasonable accommodations or services to qualified students with disabilities.
MedCerts will deem a request for accommodation or services reasonable if the request:
- It is based on documented individual needs
- It does not force the school to fundamentally alter the educational course, compromise its academic standards, or place the disabled individual in a better than equal position with non-disabled students
- It does not impose a financial or administrative burden upon the school beyond which is deemed reasonable and customary
- Is within the scope of the school
Students who need special accommodations should write a letter to the Director of Programs indicating the nature of the special needs. The student must also provide documented evidence of the disability.
MedCerts defines a qualified student as one whom, with or without reasonable accommodations, is able to perform the essential functions of program or course requirements.
Student responsibility includes:
- Following the accommodation procedure outlined above
- Identifying the disability to the Director of Programs
- Providing and incurring expense for current appropriate documentation (within five years), from a qualified medical or other licensed professional, of the disability and the accommodation or service needed
- Providing a signed medical opinion stating that with the reasonably requested accommodation or service, the student would be physically and/or mentally able to perform the essential functions of program or course requirements
- Being proactive in the submission of all required documents for consideration as accommodations are not granted retroactively
If a student identifies a disability that may prevent him/her from completing his/her program, completing an externship, or seeking employment in a field for which the program is designed to prepare him/her, MedCerts will take all information into consideration, including medical or professional documentation, when determining whether and what type of an accommodation will be made.
Students enrolled in the RX-3000: Pharmacy Technician Professional program are required to participate in an externship component. RX-3000 students are also required to complete a simulation component within the program. Both components require that the student be able to perform a variety of functions or procedures to demonstrate proficiency. Students are required to discriminate increment readings on syringes and discriminate different colored and shaped objects. The student needs to be able to recognize and respond to voices under protective garb and on the phone. Excellent fine motor skills are required. The ability to stand for long periods of time (8-12 hours) manipulating needles and syringes while holding their arms out in front of them is required. The ability to stand and work for long periods of time in safety equipment and garb is a must. Students are expected to be able to lift 25 pounds and push and pull carts up to 50-100 pounds. For a complete list of pharmacy duties to be performed by a Pharmacy Technician, please contact the Program Director. Contact information for the Program Director can be provided by your Education Consultant upon request.
After sixty (60) days of inactivity combined with a lack of communication, the student may be placed on Academic Probation. During the 60 days preceding probation, repeated efforts will have be made to contact the student in order to offer/deliver assistance and to encourage the student to get back on track with their studies (pace of program). After 30 Days of Academic Probation, a Student Support Coordinator will review the student’s record and make a recommendation to extend the Probation period, or Dismiss the student from his/her program. This decision is made by the Director of Programs, in cooperation with the Student Services team. Any student who is placed on Probation remains eligible for program continuation and ultimate completion unless formally dismissed from the program. To exit probationary status, the student must simply contact Student Services to request that a consultation take place. At that time, the student must decide whether they wish to Withdraw (with or without refund, depending on progress) or work to regain good standing within his/her training program.
Dismissal refers to the termination of a student’s active enrollment with MedCerts, resulting in a student’s removal from their MedCerts’ program. Being dismissed from a program does not absolve a student from any financial agreements made with MedCerts. If a student has a contract with a sponsor or other funding source, the student may need to check in with that source to learn how being dismissed may impact that agreement. Reasons for dismissal include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Acts of plagiarism and academic dishonesty – Warning
- Inappropriate sharing of login credentials, curriculum, or any other course/program materials – Warning
- Unauthorized copying or reproduction of program/course materials. All content of MedCerts online courses is copyrighted under The United States Copyright law. – Warning
- Financial fraud or misuse of unapproved payment methods – Warning
- Unprofessional communications or harassment towards MedCerts staff, other instructors, clinical site/externship colleagues, supervisors, patients, or other students – Warning/ Immediate Dismissal
- Interference with the educational opportunity of other students – Warning
- Soliciting, aiding, or inciting others to commit a violation of the student code of conduct – Warning
Additional externship/clinical site causes for dismissal (if applicable):
- Misconduct at a clinical or externship site – Warning/ Immediate Dismissal
- Termination from a clinical or externship site – Immediate Dismissal
- Does not uphold positive standings or adhere to the clinical or externship site’s work schedule and its policies and procedures including dress code and/or uniform requirements. – Warning/ Immediate Dismissal
- Possession, consumption, distribution or being under the influence of alcohol and/or controlled or illegal substances when at the clinical or externship site – Immediate Dismissal
Students may possibly receive one warning for violating the student code of code as a courtesy. No subsequent warnings will be provided for repeat offenses. However, students may appeal the decision if they are dismissed from the MedCerts program.
Students who have been dismissed from MedCerts are not eligible for reinstatement or readmission unless a submitted appeal is approved after review and consideration.
Cheating can be defined as any inappropriate collaborative activity in which the work submitted to the school does not represent the work of the enrolled student. This would include submission of someone else’s work, submission of answers obtained through inappropriate measures, or providing answers to another student. If cheating is suspected, the student will be notified and required to respond in writing to the charges made. The response will go before the Director of Programs for a decision on the student’s enrollment. Disciplinary action can be applied up to and including termination of the student’s enrollment. Any inappropriate behavior on the part of a student will result in an invalid submission, which must be repeated.
Student Code of Conduct
All MedCerts students are expected to adhere to the standards and policies established by MedCerts. Failure to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal or expulsion from MedCerts.
Students are expected to:
- Uphold and follow all codes of conduct, including this code and all rules applicable to class environments, MedCerts-sponsored activities, including off-campus activities.
- Obey all applicable MedCerts policies and procedures and all local, state, and federal laws.
- Respect the learning environment which includes, but is not limited to, participating and completing class assignments.
- Uphold and maintain academic and professional honesty and integrity.
- Be responsible for their behavior and respect the rights and dignity of others both within and outside the MedCerts community.
- Not share login credentials, curriculum, or any other course/program materials
- Not copy or reproduce course materials. All MedCerts online course content is copyrighted under the United States Copyright law.
- Maintain respectful written and verbal communication with MedCerts team members, instructors, and other students. Abuse of any form is not permitted.
- Not interfere with the educational opportunity of other prospective, current or alumni students.
- Refrain from soliciting, aiding, or inciting others to commit a violation of the student code of conduct. Not participate in, or contribute to, disruptive behavior within the discussion boards
- Not threaten to or carry out acts of mental or bodily harm to others.
- Not misuse or abuse any MedCerts equipment that is used or accessed throughout your training program. This includes, but is not limited to, hardware, software, and internet-based resources.
- Not knowingly falsify or provide misleading information.
- Not engage in acts of stalking, or any type of harassment, including but not limited to verbal, physical, or sexual, or race or gender discrimination, including gender identity.
Additional externship/clinical site expectations (if applicable):
- Adhere to the externship site’s work schedule, policies, and procedures. Violation of an externship site’s schedule, policies, or procedures, may be considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
Academic Misconduct, Academic Integrity, and Professional Behavior
- Academic misconduct is defined as any activity that undermines the academic integrity of the institution.
- Academic integrity is defined as the demonstration of honest and moral conduct in an academic environment.
- Professional behavior is defined as consistent conduct and behavior that conveys respect for the dignity of MedCerts team members and students.
Academic integrity is expected of all students. Some programs may have additional student responsibilities associated with them based on additional standards and/or professional standards, as well as compliance with federal and state laws. MedCerts views any act of academic dishonesty or unprofessional behavior as a serious offense that may require disciplinary measures, up to and including dismissal or expulsion from MedCerts. Violations of academic integrity and professional behavior include, but are not limited to, the following acts:
- Cheating: Unauthorized use of notes or study aids, or acquiring information from another student’s materials, on an examination; obtaining a copy of an examination or question from an exam prior to taking the exam; altering work with the intent to deceive another person to do one’s work and then submitting as one’s own work; allowing another person to take an examination in one’s name; submitting duplicate work for multiple assignments without proper citation is considered plagiarism.
- Aiding cheating or other acts of dishonesty: Providing material or information to another student with the knowledge that this material or information will be used to deceive MedCerts staff.
- Plagiarism: Presenting within one’s own work the ideas, representations, or words of another person without customary and proper acknowledgment of that person’s authorship in considered plagiarism. Students who are unsure of what constitutes plagiarism should consult with MedCerts. Claims of ignorance will not necessarily excuse the offense.
- Data misrepresentations: Fabricating data; deliberately presenting in an assignment data that were not gathered in accordance with the assigned guidelines or are deliberately fabricated; or providing an inaccurate account of the method by which the data were gathered and generated.
- Falsification of Academic Records or documents: Falsification of academic records or documents includes, but is not limited to, altering any documents affecting academic records; forging signatures or falsifying information of an official academic document such as a progress report, or any other official MedCerts letter or communication, will constitute academic dishonesty.
- Unauthorized access to computerized academic or administrative records or systems. Unauthorized access to computerized academic or administrative records or systems means viewing or altering MedCerts’ records without authorization; copying or modifying MedCerts’ computer programs or systems without authorization; releasing or dispensing information gained through unauthorized access, or interfering with the use or availability of computer systems or information. Also, when MedCerts-sponsored activities are held at locations owned or managed by other institutions or organizations, the unauthorized use, viewing, copying, or altering of those institutions’ computer records, systems, or programs would similarly constitute a violation of academic integrity.
- Unprofessional or inappropriate behavior within an externship experience: Conduct that in considered to be lewd, indecent, obscene, inappropriate, and/or non-compliant with professional standards; or a violation of clinical or other affiliated site expectations or guidelines; or a violation of federal or state laws.
- All other MedCerts policies not listed related to academics: Violation of any other MedCerts polices.
Personal misconduct involving computers/technology
- Unauthorized use of computers and technology. Theft of abuse of computer(s) and resources including, but not limited to:
- Unauthorized entry into a file, to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose
- Unauthorized transfer of a file, including peer-to-peer file sharing
- Use of another individual’s identification and/or password
- Use of computer, network, or resources to interfere with the work of another student or MedCerts employee
- Use of computer, network, or resources to interfere with the work of normal operation of MedCerts’ computing system
MedCerts SCOC Last Revised 11/03/2022
New students are required to participate in a 15-25 minute phone orientation prior to beginning their program. This helps familiarize students with the format and key components of the program, and helps ensure that each student is adequately prepared to begin their training. With few exceptions, this orientation MUST take place at a point within 72 hours of your official Start Date. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the orientation requirement is met.
During the enrollment process, all students are provided with a unique username and password, which allows them to log into the MedCerts Learning Portal to access online training and to complete assignments, quizzes, and final exams. Each username and password combination is unique to every individual student, and MedCerts’ Code of Conduct policy prohibits students from sharing this information. Student identity is verified by confirming the student’s first and last names, address, and telephone number prior to releasing any information. Students are responsible for all comments, exams, and assignments posted on their account. If a student feels that his or her account was compromised by someone else, he or she must change his or her password immediately and notify the school. MedCerts will use the e-mail listed on a student’s account to send academic and school updates. These communications can be personal in nature and for this reason we recommend that students use an e-mail that is not shared with others.
If MedCerts suspects that a student’s account has been compromised, access to the student account may be blocked until student’s identity has been verified. This process is done only to protect the student’s interest. Students are responsible for all comments, quizzes, exams, and assignments posted on their account. If a student feels that his or her account was compromised by someone else, he or she must change his or her password immediately and notify the school.
All certification exams (not administered by MedCerts) require that the student’s identity be confirmed by a proctor, by review and verification of a government issued identification.
Students who receive an incorrect or incomplete shipment must call Student Services immediately for assistance. MedCerts will provide a Return Shipping Label via email or mail that will allow for the return of materials at no cost to the student.
In addition to tuition charges, the following fees may apply to student enrollment.
MedCerts will pay all shipping and handling charges for required materials and textbooks. There are no additional fees passed to the student for shipping, handling, or custom duties on international student shipments.
MedCerts does not perform criminal background checks, nor do we test students for illicit drug use. Please be advised that while MedCerts does not perform these checks, the student’s drug, criminal, or immunization status may prevent future employment as a healthcare or IT professional. Externship sites, employers, and State Boards of Pharmacy or other regulatory boards have regulations about drug use and criminal backgrounds. Regulatory boards, externship sites, employers, and other organizations that may require these screenings for placement, and adverse results may prohibit you from moving forward in the program.
Example: Because the RX-3000 program requires that the student complete an externship, a failed drug test administered by the externship site (such as Walgreens) may prevent the student from completing the MedCerts program requirements resulting in disqualification from the Rx-3000 program.
The student understands that MedCerts does not hold any control over the drug, immunization, criminal, or background screening processes or policies held by any organization outside of MedCerts.
Applicants who otherwise meet the requirements to pursue a selected program of study, may be required to take the Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam (SLE) or the Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST) depending upon the requested program of enrollment (currently programs leading to the CPhT, CPC, A+, and Network+ certifications).
The results of these assessments will not necessarily prevent the student from enrollment in his/her chosen program, however, based on the results of the assessment a student may be advised to select a more suitable program that aligns with his/her abilities. Each of the certification programs noted above are associated with a recommended “Cut Score”. Wonderlic provides a recommendation for a minimum score based on the Department of Labor’s O*Net database and the program titles provided by MedCerts. The determination is based on guidance provided by the Department of Education, as well as additional research and feedback.
NOTE: Applicants to the RX-3000 Pharmacy Technician Professional program are required to take both the SLE and the WBST, and will be required to achieve a “Cut Score” defined by the Program Director. The results of these assessments may prevent the student from enrolling in the RX-3000 program. If declined, the Program Director will present alternate program options.
MedCerts is committed to providing a learning environment that is free of discrimination. Equal opportunity will be extended to all persons in all aspects of our program. MedCerts will not discriminate against a student because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, or medical condition. If a student believes he/she is being discriminated against, he/she should report the facts of the incident to the Instructor, the Education Consultant, or the Director of Admissions in writing (see Grievance and Appeal Procedures).
MedCerts adheres to all federal laws prohibiting job discrimination based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, equal pay, disability or genetic information. Review EEO requirements here.
All MedCerts training is delivered online, and is hosted in a virtual environment. As such, the Learning Portal and associated support materials and support agents are reliant upon the operational integrity of a variety of systems and networks. On rare occasion, these networks or systems can “go down”, lose quality, or provide intermittent service. In such events, MedCerts will do its best to communicate updates or announcements to students regarding the loss or deficiency in system/network services. In most cases, such events are completely outside the control of MedCerts.
MedCerts instructors and instructional support staff are online and are available via phone, internet chat, and email Monday-Thursday, from 8:30am – 8:00pm and Friday from 8:30am – 5:00pm (Eastern Time). Inquiries submitted through email during normal business hours will be typically be responded to within the hour. Emailed inquiries received outside of business hours will be responded to on the next business day. On occasion, MedCerts Student Support may not be available during scheduled services hours. In these unavoidable cases, MedCerts will post an announcement within the Learning Portal as to the reason, and the likely duration of the lapse in service.
We accept the following forms of payment from students:
- Personal check for payment in full (this is not an option if paying monthly)
- Cashier’s check or money order for payment in full (this is not an option if paying monthly)
- Mastercard, Visa and American Express
- Private loan
- Local and state government agencies
A student may be admitted into a MedCerts Certification Program upon satisfying all of the following requirements:
- The student must complete a MedCerts Student Application and Enrollment Agreement.
- The student must have a consultation with a MedCerts Representative to evaluate skill and experience levels and identify education and career goals.
- Students must be at least 18 years of age or have parent/legal guardian authorization.
- Students must have a high school diploma, or GED, or equivalent.
- Because MedCerts programs are delivered and supported in English, our policy is to enroll students who are able to read, write, and speak the English language. At this time, MedCerts does not enroll anyone who does not meet this requirement.
- To allow for the best chance of student success, where applicable (as detailed in section below), students may be required to take a skills assessment that will help the Admissions department provide appropriate academic screening and course placement based on student aptitude.
- A payment method must be established and agreed upon by the student and MedCerts prior to registration.
- For the RX-3000 Pharmacy Technician Professional program only, we require a copy of a government-issued photo ID in order to validate identity.
Technical Requirements
- Minimum System/Device Requirements:
- Supported Devices:
- Laptop and Desktop PCs
- Mac
- Chromebooks
- Processor – Intel Core i3/i5/i7 or above, AMD A series
- Minimum Ram – 4gb (8GB recommended)
- Required Browser(s) – Either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
- Recommended Minimum Internet Speed – 20mbps.
- HI-7200/HI-7300 Programs only – Device with internal or external microphone.
- RX-3000 Program only – Video Recording Device (video-ready phone, webcam, camcorder).
- Supported Devices:
Terms and Conditions (Rewards)
Terms and Conditions
Updated June 11, 2015
General. The MedCerts Referral Rewards Program allows you to receive a payment from MedCerts, LLC (“MedCerts”) when a qualifying new student (the “Referred Student”) enrolls in a qualifying MedCerts educational program based upon your referral. To receive a referral payment under the Referral Rewards Program, each referral and your participation in the Referral Rewards Program must comply with all of the requirements set forth below.
Referral Payment Requirements
For you to receive a referral payment under the Referral Rewards Program, each referral of a Referred Student must meet each of the following requirements.
- The Referred Student must enroll in one or more of the following qualifying MedCerts educational programs through the online enrollment process found at, enroll or by calling 1-800-734-1175: (1) Medical Front Office Assistant and Administration, (2) Pharmacy Technician, (3) Pharmacy Technician Specialist, (4) Medical Billing Specialist, (5) Medical Front Office and Electronic Health Records, (6) Electronic Health Records Specialist, (7) Electronic Health Records and Reimbursement Specialist, (8) Medical Front Office Administration, (9) Allied Healthcare Professional, (10) MCSA Windows Server 2012 Base, (11) MCSA Windows Server 2012 Standard, (12) IT Network Technician, (13) Healthcare IT Technician, (14) PC Technician, or (15) IT Helpdesk Administrator.
- The Referred Student must pay in full or arrange for tuition assistance for the qualifying MedCerts educational program at the time of program enrollment.
- The Referred Student must enroll without any incentives from you as the Referrer and with full intentions to complete the training program.
- The Referred Student must be a resident of the United States of America, Canada, Australia, or South Africa but must not be a resident of North Carolina eligible to receive the tuition assistance or subsidy offered by the State of North Carolina.
- The Referred Student must not be a current or past student of MedCerts.
- The Referred Student must not be you.
- The Referred Student must enroll directly with MedCerts, rather than through any of MedCerts’ partner relationships.
- The referral of the Referred Student must not be the direct or indirect result of the use of group email addresses, third party bulk mailing lists, customer lists, or other similar sources, or through unsolicited e-mails (“Spam”). Your participation in the Referral Rewards Program may be immediately and permanently terminated if you use Spam to obtain referrals.
- The referral of the Referred Student must not be the direct or indirect result of paid search ads based on MedCerts tradename keyword bidding. Your participation in the Referral Rewards Program may be immediately and permanently terminated if you bid on any MedCerts trade name keyword terms (or variations thereof) on any online search engine or similar online search methods. You are also prohibited from running paid search ads that point users directly to the MedCerts web domain, such as your referral webpage.
- The referral of the Referred Student must not be the direct or indirect result of the referrer posting or commenting on MedCerts’ social media pages, profiles and blogs.
- The enrollment of the Referred Student must be within the last 6 months.
In the event that the Referral Rewards Program or your participation in the Referral Rewards Program is discontinued, you will receive the referral payment for each of your Referred Students that has satisfied all of the above requirements prior to the discontinuation date of the Referral Rewards Program.
Eligibility Requirements for Participation in the Program
To be eligible to receive a referral payment, you must meet each of the following requirements:
- You must be enrolled in the Referral Rewards Program (enrollment can be completed at and must have affirmatively agreed to the terms and conditions in the manner required therein.
- You must be a resident of the United States of America, Canada, Australia or South Africa at the time of the referral.
- You must not be an employee of MedCerts at the time of the referral.
Referral Payment Amount
The amount of each referral payment shall be equal to 300.00 for each Referred Student enrolled in a qualifying MedCerts educational program during an applicable month, less in each case any chargebacks, refunds, reversals or withdrawals for such or prior Referred Students. The referral payments shall be paid after an eligible course is no longer subject to return, refund or credit. MedCerts may withhold a payment until it receives a properly filled out W-9 form from you if the payment plus the sum of all other payments made to you by MedCerts in the same calendar year would be greater than or equal to $600. You are responsible for ensuring MedCerts has your current address on file. Referral payments that are due will be made to your PayPal bi-weekly.
Relationship of the Parties
You and MedCerts are independent contractors, and nothing herein will create any other relationship. You will have no authority to make or accept any offers or representations on behalf of MedCerts and will have no right, power or authority to bind or obligate MedCerts in any manner whatsoever. You will not make any statement that reasonably would contradict anything in these terms and conditions.
Termination Amendment
MedCerts reserves the right to modify any of the terms and conditions of the Referral Rewards Program—including, but not limited to, the methods through which you may earn referral payments and the amount of referral payments—at any time, with or without notice, even though these changes may affect your ability to receive a referral payment. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, your participation in the Referral Rewards Program constitutes your acceptance of any changes to the terms and conditions of the Referral Rewards Program. You are responsible for remaining knowledgeable as to any changes that MedCerts may make to the terms and conditions of the Program. The most current version of the terms and conditions of the Program will be available at and will supersede all previous versions of the terms and conditions of the Program. You acknowledge that MedCerts may terminate the Referral Rewards Program at any time without prior notice to you. Either you or MedCerts may terminate your participation in the Referral Rewards Program at any time, with or without cause, by giving the other party written notice of termination. MedCerts reserves the right to terminate your participation in the Program if you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions.
Compliance with Law
You shall at all times comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or requirements applicable to your participation in the Referral Rewards Program.
By participating in the Referral Rewards Program, you accept all responsibility for, and hereby indemnify and hold harmless MedCerts, its related companies, and their respective officers, directors, employees, equity owners, agents, and successors, and assigns, from and against any claims that may arise from your actions in connection with the Referral Rewards Program.
Any dispute relating in any way to the Referral Rewards Program that cannot be resolved among the parties will be adjudicated in any state or federal court in Wayne County, Michigan, and you consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue of such courts. The laws of the State of Michigan, without regard to principles of conflicts of laws, will govern your participation in the Referral Rewards Program and any dispute that might arise between you and MedCerts related to the Referral Rewards Program. If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be severed from the remainder of these terms and conditions, which will otherwise remain in full force and effect.
Limitation of Liability
By participating in the Referral Rewards Program, you accept all responsibility for, and hereby indemnify and hold harmless MedCerts, each of its related companies, and each such company’s respective officers, directors, employees, equity owners, agents, and successors, and assigns (the “Released Parties”), from and against any claims that may arise from your actions in connection with the Referral Rewards Program. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NEGLIGENCE, SHALL THE RELEASED PARTIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE PROGRAM, EVEN IF ANY OR ALL OF THE RELEASED PARTIES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, THEREFORE SUCH EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.
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