Communicating Unemployment Training Benefits - MedCerts

Is Short-Term Online Career Training Right for You?

Language influences the way people behave and how they perceive the world. Cognitive psychologists refer to the framing effect, which is the phenomenon where people are more influenced by how their choices are worded than by the choices themselves. How you communicate has a significant impact on how your clients receive what you're saying.

This doesn't just apply to the words you say. Up to 55% of communication is nonverbal; almost 40% of communication is conveyed through your tone and expression. When you communicate with your clients about the benefits of unemployment training, make sure your message is getting through the way you want it to.

Here are some tips for effectively communicating with your clients: 

Begin With a Connection

The most important thing is to establish a connection with your client. If your client feels like you understand and care about them, they'll be more receptive to what you have to say.

Listen First

Watch for times when you're not really listening. It's easy to fall into the habit of just waiting for your turn to talk. Being willing to listen and understand involves being patient, generous, and respectful. When your clients see you display those traits, they'll feel like you're on their side. They'll be much more willing to take your advice when they know you understand who they are and what they want to accomplish.

Use the Right Words

You don't need to talk down to your clients, but you do need to use words that resonate with them. Listen to how your clients talk about their goals and dreams. Reflect that language back to them when you're helping them customize an unemployment training program.

Pay Attention to Body Language

When you're talking to your clients, you'll want to make an effort to make sure that your body language is as welcoming as your tone. However, you should also pay attention to their body language. Consider the three Cs of body language when you're analyzing your clients' actions:


What is the setting? Someone with anxiety may be more likely to appear tense during a loud exchange. Body language can give you a clue about your clients' feelings, but it may not be related to their feelings about you.


Does their body language match their words? If someone is crossing their arms and guarded, they're probably uncomfortable, even if they say they're not.


Look at multiple expressions of body language for clues about how your clients are feeling. Don't rely on just one gesture, such as crossed arms. Instead, take in the overall picture, as well as verbal communication and tone.

Be Practical, Specific, and Positive

When you're talking to your clients about unemployment training benefits, such as MedCerts, communicate the value in practical and specific terms. Point out what they can expect to gain, such as a well-paying, rewarding career, without overselling the advantages or downplaying the effort involved. MedCerts student success team will give your clients what they need to succeed. Healthcare and information technology certifications offer your clients the opportunity to build better lives for themselves. The way you communicate the benefits to them can make all the difference.

Portrait of Sandy Mead
Written by Sandy Mead
National Director of Workforce Development

Sandy Mead has over 22 years of experience in the workforce development space and helps MedCerts create career opportunities and build relationships with workforce offices.

As the National Director of Workforce Development, Sandy partners with workforce offices across the country to assist in the WIOA requirements of providing skills gained and national credentials to increase successful career pathways. She has been instrumental in increasing performance data outcomes and helping participants achieve credentials to enhance employment.

Published on June 8, 2022


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