The Military Spouse Cover Letter Guide: 4 Essential Tips - MedCerts

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ATTN Military Spouses: For a limited time, the Department of Defense has expanded eligibility for My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) to the first 1,250 approved applicants in the ranks of E-6 and O-3. MedCerts is an approved school for the MyCAA scholarship.

As a military spouse, a portable career and certifications give you access to exciting opportunities no matter where you move next. Crafting an effective military spouse cover letter is the perfect way to showcase your experience and qualifications. These four tips can help your cover letter stand out. 

How to Write a Cover Letter as a Military Spouse

A cover letter is a statement to a potential employer that introduces your skills and experience. It gives your employer a snapshot of your qualities, background and interest in the job.

A well-written cover letter can make all the difference in your application. Like a good handshake, it should be professional, confident and friendly but not too long.

Customize Each Cover Letter

Online job boards are excellent ways to find new job openings in your area. However, employers also receive dozens, if not hundreds, of applications from these postings. With so many to filter through, most employers make snap decisions based on the quality of your cover letter.

That means you should write a new cover letter for every job application. It sounds like a lot of extra work, and it is, but it's essential and helps you stand out as an applicant.

Start by addressing the recruiter by name. If you don’t know their name, research the company and try to find details on the hiring manager or department head. Be specific about the job you’re applying for, where you found the job ad and the reference number, if there is one.

Highlight Your Experience

Next, highlight your experience. This includes your past relevant work history, but also your experience as a military spouse. You possess a unique set of skills that most other people don't, so tell your potential employer about them.

Highlight how these skills and abilities make you a strong candidate and will add to their workplace. Soft skills like resilience, adaptability, organization, project management and time management are attractive job skills.

Keep It Short

Most people read by skimming, so keep your letter short and to the point. It should be one page with an introduction, one to two paragraphs in the body and a conclusion thanking the reader for their time.

Remember to add details and personality. Include extra information about gaps in employment, for example, but keep it professional and limited to a few points rather than a long-winded explanation. Include any new skills and certifications you’ve gained when you were out of work, like those from MedCerts.

Proofread and Edit

Before sending your application, set your writing aside for a few hours and come back to it with fresh eyes. Then, proofread for typos, grammar and spelling mistakes, and edit for tone and language.

Advance Your Career With MedCerts

Career advancement as a military spouse can be challenging, but upgrading to a high-demand portable career can be a game-changer. MedCerts offers higher education in growing industries, like healthcare and information technology.

With online programs, a support network for milspouse students and a career network, MedCerts can help you earn qualifications, gain access to resources to help you write your resume and military spouse cover letter and find a new job. Apply today.


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Published on March 13, 2023


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